Master suite, laundry room addition and living room, kitchen remodel

What we did here

  • addition built to accommodate a new master bedroom, bathroom, closets, and laundry room
  • custom shelving built in closets
  • hardwood floor installed in addition to match existing home
  • addition built to match the existing home exterior and roof line
  • ducted mini split system installed for addition
  • retaining wall built
  • remodeled the kitchen with new cabinets, counter tops, plumbing fixtures, electrical, new hardwood flooring to match the rest of the home
  • took our walls and installed LVL’s to open up the kitchen to the living room

Contact Us

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1024 Alford Ave
Birmingham, AL 35266

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(205) 570-1818

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SouthFace Renovations LLC

1024 Alford Ave
Birmingham, AL 35266
Phone: (205) 570-1818